Thank you for the replies ! They really help . I don't think I am to far off base then when I expect someone to show they have really changed ,or expect them to apologize honestly for their transgression before forgiving them.
This is how I have been thinking about forgiveness ......Forgivenss is a gift should not be expected ,or demanded .Only the one giving it can decide if they are willing, and able to do so . No one should try to force or manipulate someone in doing so either.
In our family right now my estranged Father in law is dying . Some family members can not understand why my husband has not dropped everything ,and run 1000 miles away to be by his Dad's side . When I tried to explain that he does not have a close relationship with him ,and gave a short history of why ,I was slammed as a liar .My words were turned against me ,and they blamed the JW religion we had been in as the problem . When I emphasised it was not the religion ,but the violence issues ,I was told to forget ,and forgive the past . The Father in law is a stranger to our children ,yet family expects them to call him and show their respects......but they don't even know him ! How can they respect him with any amount of honesty .
It really will not take much for me to just walk away from this craziness . That is what bothers me I give up on people to easily ? Are all families this nuts ? When a family member berates you ,calls you names ,says that your lying ....are you just expected to forget it, and go on as though nothing has happened because they are related to you ?? Don't think I can do that . I am not prone to retaliate back in an unkind way ,but the person doesn't get another chance either .